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How to Organize a Great Craft Fair

How to Organize a Great Craft Fair

May 19, 2016 Michelle A. Lee

If you want to have a successful craft fair, make sure you are asking yourself these questions.

Craft shows are events where the city or other civic groups gather work from talented artists to create a pleasing show for its audience. The show provides artists being featured with new admirers and gives the venue publicity. A craft fair is a great opportunity for the artist, so its important to make sure attendees can easily gain access to contact information through social media, media, and other such platforms.

Do You Need a Budget?
In the process of planning this event, figure out what expenses you might run into. Find a venue and estimate the amount of artists you will need to fill up the space. Have all your paper work in one place. That includes: vendor payments, tax forms, and advertising costs. Don’t attempt to pay everything on your own, find sponsors to help pay for advertising, printing, and get local stores to advertise your craft fair in order to gain a bigger audience.

Do You Have Enough People On Your Team?
It might be hard asking for help, but don’t attempt to do everything on your own. Have a group of people and assign them to different tasks, check in on them to make sure they’re getting everything done. Gather volunteers to help out on the day of the event to ensure things run smoothly, and meet with them prior to the event so everyone is confident on their given tasks.

Are You Going to Follow Up?
After working hard to put together the craft fair, it’s good to know how well you did and whether everything paid off. Before people leave the event, ask them to take a short survey. Make sure its mostly yes or no questions, something they can fill out quickly. If you make it any longer they might become annoyed and give bogus answers in order to leave. Give them the option to receive emails from your company to keep up with other future events.

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